「巴力素 stretch ceiling」 九十年代初, 由香港國泰建築材料有限公司代理, 因為 軟膜拉展天花新穎,只有歐美設計師認識和採用,工程量比較少,最大為「澳門葡京酒店」, 最早進入香港市場的軟膜天花是「巴力素」,香港人習慣叫軟膜拉展天花為「巴力素 ceiling」。
中國改革開放,市場喜愛新產品,廣州番禺發展公司亦引進「巴力素」產品在國內銷售, 改中文名「巴力軟膜」,軟膜要度尺準確,再由法國生產,最快也要兩星期,因工期急,用量多 出現供不應求,被迫在中國制造。
1995年,台塑軟膜正式投產,採用德國特殊聚氯乙烯材料,加上美國防菌技術,在廣東省 加工制造中國及台灣自己的軟膜天花。由於在廣州制造,定貨只須三個工作天。損爛重做 二個工作天即可交貨。最闊可做5米x100米無駁口,同時將十多種收口鋁形材大膽改革,減 少到三款。安裝效果比法國更出色。亦成為亞洲第一位生產商。
踏進2000年,除普及透光膜、光面膜、啞光膜、金屬膜、絨面膜及孔狀膜六種產品,還 開發了磨沙膜、牆紋膜和緞面膜,除可以做天花外,更適合做柱頭和牆身。近年開始流行 做LED招牌高清噴圖案及燈箱照明。
Stretched ceiling history in Hong Kong
Meanwhile Chinese economic reform carried out, new style membrane ceiling became
popular and
In 1995, Formosa membrane began its production in Guangdong. With Germany specialized PVC and American anti-bacteria technique for ceiling membrane material. Only 3 days required for product ordering and 2 days for rectification of damages. No ceiling joint for 5mx100m. With great flexibility in installation. It becomes the pioneer of membrane ceiling material in Asia region.
In year 2000, besides translucent, gloss, matt, metallic, fabric and six perforated types of membrane surface, in addition, sandy, striation and satin membrane surface are available to market. They are suitable for use in pillar head and wall surface as well as false ceiling. More popular recently is the LED lighting box mounted with advertisment printing membrane cover.